Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Saturday, November 04, 2006


A girl I don't know wrote this.
Good job girl I don't know.
Christians I know are fitting too much into one or the other broad categories:
Annoyingly introspective and vocal.
Annoyingly shallow in their thinking.
Emerson wrote that education was the end of life.
I respectfully disagree--the end of education is life.
We ponder and navel gaze as if the truths that we hold to be the source of life are a mere philosophy.

Today I had about twenty high school kids in my house keeping Kosher. Really.
Shann's doing the Diary of Anne Frank for her play and as a way to build unity she had the kids over for a Kosher meal. I'd never cooked Kosher before--it's kind of like Cooking Taboo, "Make a cake but you can't use any of these ingredients." The other interesting thing is that built into the meal was a reminder of shared creed, conduct, traditions, and memories. It reminded me in a bizarre way of talking to anyone's grandma in her kitchen. She talks about her vegetables, or how she's got an aloe bush for that burn on your hand, or about how it it hurts her to cross stitch, or how she still gets with her friends (widows) and shares wine and coffee and plays cards and laughs until too late. Their words tie directly to tactile human experience. They are haptic and theirs is a haptic spirituality.


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